Products & Services offered at Innovative Health & Wellness Center in Greensburg, PA:

Consultations  $25 for 30 minutes

Ask about package specials for Bemer, BioMat and Celluma Sessions:

Bemer Sessions $20 for 8-15 minutes

BioMat Sessions – 30 minutes for $30

Celluma Pro Therapy  20 minutes for $25

Ionic Detoxifying Footbath –  $40.00


Food Sensitivity testing – KBMO FIT (Food Inflammation Test) – Pricing includes a consult when lab results are received.

FIT 22 $150

FIT 132 $360

FIT 176 $460

In the FIT 132 and 176, the Gut Barrier Panel (Candida, Zonulin & Occludin) are NOW included.
This link demonstrates how the test is performed:

Quest4 MSA Test*  $100

*Out of town? Hair & Saliva samples may be used instead.

Products include professional grade nutritionals, homeopathics & herbals along with a full line of EMF protectors for home, car & office.


Contact me for more info or to schedule an appointment:


Phone  724.433.1533